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Roast Duck with New Potatoes and Peppercorn Sauce Recipe

Liliana Knigin
  |   March 10, 2015   |  
Move over roast chicken, this elegant main dish of Roast Duck served in a classic peppercorn sauce is a sophisticated addition to your dinner party menu! The recipe takes time and patience, but the payout of tender, delicious duck drizzled in a sweet port and peppercorn sauce is certainly well worth it.

Prep Time:
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Yield: 6 people

Roast Duck with New Potatoes and Peppercorn Sauce Recipe


  1. Preheat the oven to 450 degrees.
  2. Remove the neck and giblets from the duck, cut off the wings, discard the liver. Remove any excess fat from the duck and dry thoroughly with a paper towel. Prick the skin all over with a fork. Rub the skin lightly with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.
  3. Wash the new potatoes and place them whole in the bottom of a roasting pan. Drop on the 3 twigs of rosemary, small handful of fresh parsley, and sprinkle with some salt. Then place the roasting rack above the potatoes, and place the duck on top of the roasting rack.
  4. Place the roasting pan into the center of the oven and roast at 450 degrees for 20 minutes, then turn the oven down to 350 degrees and continue to cook for 45 minutes.
  5. While the duck is roasting, roughly chop the wings, neck, gizzards, onions and carrots. Sautee the ingredients together in a preheated sauce pan on medium-high heat in 1 Tbsp of olive oil until browned. Stir frequently to prevent burning. When sufficiently browned, remove the pan off the heat and add the 1 cup of port wine and 2 Tbsp of raspberry vinegar to prevent a flame up. Return to the heat for 1 minute, and be careful as the port wine may flame up. Add the 4 cups of chicken stock, and simmer for 1 hour.
  6. Remove the duck from the oven, transfer to a plate and cover with aluminum foil, and allow the duck to rest for 30 minutes. Remove the potatoes from the bottom of a pan an transfer to a dish and lightly salt and cover the potatoes to keep warm.
  7. In a large sautee pan over a medium heat, melt the 4 Tbsp of butter and then add the 4 Tbsp of flour, and mix with a whisk to make a rue. Then strain the stock into the sautee pan and whisk to fully incorporate the stock into the rue, and add the peppercorns. Continue whisking for a few minutes until the sauce thickens.
  8. To serve the duck, remove the legs and separate into two sections. Remove the breast and slice into 5 sections, trying to keep the skin intact. Plate with the some new potatoes, and drizzle some of the peppercorn sauce atop the duck.

This recipe is found in:
Recipes by Ingredient: Chicken and Poultry Recipes, Duck Recipes
Recipes by Course or Meal: Main Courses
Recipes by Occasion: Easter Recipes, Valentine's Day Recipes
Recipes by Cuisine: French Recipes
Recipes by Season: Spring and Summer Recipes, Fall Recipes, Winter Recipes

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Liliana Knigin

A foodie with a knack for creating elegant recipes, Liliana has been crafting some of our most delicious recipes for over 20 years.

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