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Passionfruit Tart Recipe
  |   February 18, 2015   |  
A perfectly airy passion fruit mousse is nestled on top of a mouthwateringly buttery tart shell, blending both sweet, savory and tart flavors for the perfect summer dessert. Not a fan of passion fruit? Substitute with your favorite flavor frozen puree instead.

Prep Time:
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Yield: 1 tart

Passionfruit Tart Recipe

Pastry shell
  • 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
  • 4 tbsp. confectioner’s sugar
  • ½ or 1 stick cup cold butter, cubed
  • Grated peel of 1 orange
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Cold water, as needed

  • 2 eggs (separated into 2 yolks and 2 egg whites)
  • 11 tbsps. Granulated sugar (separated into 2 tbsp. and 9 tbsp.)
  • Juice of 1 orange
  • 1 ½ tsp. of plain gelatin
  • ¼ cup water (for syrup)
  • ¾ cup Passion Fruit Frozen Puree, defrosted
  • ¾ cup heavy cream, whipped


  1. Heat oven to 350 degrees F.
  2. Mix the flour, sugar and butter in a bowl, blending with a fork until the butter incorporates and the mix gets the texture of breadcrumbs.
  3. Add the orange and egg yolk and incorporate with a spatula, gathering together. Switch to your hands and knead, adding 2 or 3 tbsp. of water, until you have a firm dough ball.
  4. Place the dough ball in between two sheets of plastic film. Roll out with a rolling pin (still in between the film). Remove film and press into the a tart pan; pinch the base with a fork and take to the fridge for about 20 minutes.
  5. Bake until golden. Reserve to cool.
  6. Bring ¼ cup of water to a boil and add ½ cup sugar. Stir until it thickens into a syrup.
  7. Whip egg whites to stiff peaks with a mixer, and slowly add in the sugar syrup in a thin stream. Whip to a thick, shiny meringue. Reserve to cool.
  8. In a simmering double boiler bath or bain marie, whisk 2 yolks with 2 tbsp. sugar and the orange juice, whisking constantly until you get a thick cream. Mix the plain gelatin with ¼ cup water and add into the cream, blending. Reserve at room temperature.
  9. Add the passion fruit puree, whipped cream and meringue and fold until the preparation is smooth and even.
  10. Pour into the tart shell and leave in the fridge to set. and take to the fridge to cool down and set.
  11. Garnish with whipped cream, some more puree and mint leaves.

This recipe is found in:
Recipes by Course or Meal: Dessert
Recipes by Occasion: Labor Day and 4th of July Recipes
Recipes by Season: Spring and Summer Recipes

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Questions and Answers

Q:Please advise, can I substitute the Frozen Puree with another fruit puree. I live in South Africa and I'm not sure if Frozen Puree is readily available. Thank you Anisa
A:Sure, you can use freshly made fruit puree instead.
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