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Baking Ingredients

Your most delicious baked goods are only a click away! We have an amazing selection of baking ingredients to delight all the bakers out there.
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Apricot Halves in Syrup
Apricot Halves in Syrup
from Morocco by Brover

Madagascar Bourbon Intense Vanilla Bean Paste
Madagascar Bourbon Intense Vanilla Bean Paste
from France by Eurovanille

Vanilla paste gives all the ease of an extract while maintaining the intensity of flavor that a fresh bean provides.

Dulce de Leche Filling, Classic
Dulce de Leche Filling, Classic
from Spain by Pastry 1

Creamy and silky with incredible depth of flavor, this dulce de leche is the ideal addition to your baked goods.

White Rice Flour
White Rice Flour
from United States by Gourmet Imports

Ginger, Crystallized
Ginger, Crystallized
by Markys

Sweet, spicy, and aromatic, the complex profile of ginger captivates the senses, offering a uniquely delicious flavor experience.

Candied Orange Peels - Cubes
Candied Orange Peels - Cubes
from France by Pastry 1

Buckwheat Flour #1
Buckwheat Flour #1
from United States by Gourmet Imports

Almond Flour - Fine (Macaroon Flour)
Almond Flour - Fine (Macaroon Flour)
from United States by Nutley Farms

Cinnamon Sticks - Whole, 4 Inch
Cinnamon Sticks - Whole, 4 Inch
from Indonesia by D'Allesandro

Whole sticks of delicious and aromatic cinnamon sticks.

Candied Lemon Peels - Cubes
Candied Lemon Peels Cubes
from France by Amifruit

Candied Orange Peels - Strips
Candied Orange Peels - Strips
from France by Pastry 1

Cinnamon - Ground Fine
Cinnamon - Ground Fine
from Vietnam by D'Allesandro

Candied Lemon Peels - Strips
Candied Lemon Peels - Strips
from France by Pastry 1

Sesame Seeds - Black
Sesame Seeds - Black
from India by D'Allesandro

Lavender - Dry, Super Blue
Lavender - Dry, Super Blue
from France by Super Blue

Gorgeous lavender buds are dried and full of floral aroma and wonderful flavor.

Cloves - Whole
Cloves - Whole
from India by Gourmet Imports

Anise - Star
Anise - Star
from Vietnam by Gourmet Imports

All Purpose Flour
All Purpose Flour
from United States by Pikes Peak

Coconut Flakes - Unsweetened, Wide Sliced
Coconut Flakes - Unsweetened, Wide Sliced
from Philippines by Gourmet Imports

Mucicao (Chocolate Mucilage) - Organic
Mucicao (Chocolate Mucilage) - Organic
from Ecuador by Chocolaterie De L'Opera

Callebaut Dark Chocolate Pencils - 54% Cacao
Callebaut Dark Chocolate Pencils - 54.8% Cacao
from Belgium by Callebaut

A delicious touch of sophistication and elegance for your cakes and desserts!

5(2 reviews)
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Dark Brown Sugar
Dark Brown Sugar
by India Tree

A rich, moist unrefined cane dark cane sugar from Mauritius.

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Cigarette Sticks - Chocolate White/Dark
Cigarette Sticks - Chocolate White/Dark
from United States by Pastry 1

A striking combination, these white and dark chocolate cigarette sticks offer not only an elegant look but also a singularly delicious taste.

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Pure Vanilla Extract - Bourbon
Prova Vanilla Extract
from United States by Vanitlor

A sweet, rich and delightfully floral vanilla extract made from a blend of vanilla varieties.

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French Lavender Flower Syrup
French Lavender Flower Syrup
from France by Epicerie Provence

A lovely product beautifully packaged in a vintage-inspired glass jar.

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B'lure Flower Extract
B'lure Flower Extract
from Australia by Wild Hibiscus Flower Company

A vibrant bright blue, color-changing concentrated flower extract from the butterfly pea flower of Thailand.

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Hibiscus Flower Natural Concentrate
Hibiscus Flower Natural Concentrate
from Australia by Wild Hibiscus Flower Company

Give your cocktails a dazzling touch with this all-natural flower extract.

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Mandarine Puree
Mandarin Orange Juice Concentrate
from France by La Fruitiere

Concentrated juice made with Sicilian mandarins, adding a summery, citrusy punch to sorbets, cocktails and glazes.

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