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Artichokes In Lemon And Salt Recipe
  |   January 29, 2015   |  
When in season, artichokes are an easy and delicious vegetable to incorporate to your menu. This simple recipe for artichokes makes for a healthy snack option, or a fabulous appetizer.

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Yield: Serves 4

Artichokes In Lemon And Salt Recipe

  • 4 large artichokes (or 5 medium ones)
  • 1 tbsp. coarse or kosher salt
  • Juice of 1 lemon

  1. Fill a glass bowl with cold water and lemon juice. Set aside.
  2. Prep the artichokes by rinsing them first with cold water. Then with a serrated knife, trim the top by cutting off about 2 inches. Remove the first layer of leaves until you see the lighter colored ones. With kitchen scissors, cut the pointy ends of the remaining leaves, about ½ off. Once you're done with an artichoke, place it in the bowl with lemon juice while you prepare the next.
  3. Fill a large, heavy pot with about 2/3 full of water, kosher or coarse salt, and lemons. Bring to a boil and add the artichokes.
  4. Reduce heat to medium-high, partially cover the pan, and cook until tender, about 40-50 minutes (depending on size of the artichokes) until a sharp knife goes through the base easily - like a baked potato.
  5. Cool the artichokes and serve with your favorite dip or sauce, like Hollandaise.
  6. To eat: pull off each leaf, dip the soft end in your favorite sauce (anything mayo or butter based is amazing), grip the broad end tightly and scrape the fleshy end with your teeth, sucking all that meaty flesh; discard the rest of the leaf.

This recipe is found in:
Recipes by Course or Meal: Appetizers and Side Dishes
Recipes by Cuisine: Italian Recipes
Recipes by Season: Spring and Summer Recipes

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