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Creamy Truffle Polenta Recipe

Liliana Knigin
  |   September 29, 2015   |  
An easy way to incorporate that wonderful truffle flavor to an otherwise bland dish, our recipe for truffle polenta is quick, and simple yet super delicious. We use Tealdi's instant Polenta with truffles and make it extra flavorful and creamy by adding truffle butter and a cream cheese.

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Yield: Serves 2

Creamy Truffle Polenta Recipe


  1. Bring water to a boil in a large pot.
  2. Add the polenta slowly in the form of "rain", stirring the whole time, to avoid lumps. Mix in cream cheese, truffle butter and truffle salt, stir and reduce heat to simmer. Cook for about 4 minutes until polenta is creamy.

This recipe is found in:
Recipes by Ingredient: Truffle Recipes
Recipes by Course or Meal: Appetizers and Side Dishes, Main Courses
Recipes by Cuisine: Italian Recipes
Recipes by Season: Fall Recipes, Winter Recipes

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Liliana Knigin

A foodie with a knack for creating elegant recipes, Liliana has been crafting some of our most delicious recipes for over 20 years.

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