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American Caviar Deluxe Sampler Gift Set

from United States by Markys
This gift set includes:
  • 1 oz, glass jar, Sevruga Caviar - Malossol, Farm Raised
  • 1 oz, American Paddlefish Caviar - Malossol
  • 1 oz, American Hackleback Caviar - Malossol
  • 1 oz, American White Sturgeon Caviar - Malossol
  • 1 oz, Alaskan Salmon Roe Caviar - Malossol
  • 36 piece pack, Mini Blini - Hand Made
  • 8.0 oz, Creme Fraiche
Optional items:
  •   4.5 inch spoon, Mother of Pearl serving spoon [Add $16.20]
  •   7 cm spoon, Mother of Pearl serving spoon [Add $5.38]
Price Qty SKU

American Caviar Deluxe Sampler Gift Set

Our American Caviar Deluxe Sampler Gift Set lets you sample four of our finest American caviars alongside one Russian salmon roe caviar, blini and creme fraiche. The caviars come in 1-ounce jars of the following:

  • Sevruga Caviar - Malossol, Farm Raised: celebrated around the world for its pronounced taste and singularly delicious flavor profile.
  • American Hackleback Caviar - Malossol: Glistening black roe from a real American sturgeon, with a nutty flavor and firm yet buttery texture.
  • American White Sturgeon Caviar - Malossol: American white sturgeon is often compared to Caspian Osetra caviar. Farm-raised in California, these are shining black eggs with a nutty profile and succulent texture.
  • American Black Bowfin Caviar - Malossol: Also known as Cajun Caviar, this beloved black caviar has a brown-to-black hue, firm consistency and tangy, ever-so-spicy flavor.

  • Russian Salmon Roe Keta Caviar - Malossol: bright orange salmon roe caviar that's mouthwateringly juicy, with a mildly salty afternote; tastes great on hors d’oeuvres and sauces.

    The gift set also includes blini and crème fraiche so your recipient can savor these exquisite caviars the classic way. There are also optional Mother of Pearl serving spoons, which we recommend for serving caviar (metallic spoons can spoil the flavor).

    Buy caviar online from Gourmet Food Store, and we’ll ensure it’s well-packaged, well-chilled, and that it stays fresh all the way to your doorstep.

    Availability: Usually ships within 1 business days. Product is perishable and must ship via Overnight service.
    Brand: Markys Caviar
    Included Caviar: White Sturgeon, Hackleback, Paddlefish, Bowfin, Salmon Roe
    Type: Entertaining Sets

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    Questions and Answers

    Q:after the caviar arrives at my house, how long can it wait in the refrigerator until I serve it?
    A:Our fresh caviar can usually be kept refrigerated, unopened, for 3 or 4 weeks, though should ideally be eaten sooner (within 2 weeks). Once opened, it should be eaten within 2-3 days.
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