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12 Recipes For Spring Picnics

by Albertina Roca   |   April 12, 2021   |  

Temps are warming up(ish) and after such a long, uncertain winter, the first flower buds and sprouts of green grass are a beacon of spring, and for many, of hope. We can finally start seeing a return to normal habits and can’t wait to head outside and make the most of sunny weather. And because we’ve got to eat, what batter proposition than a picnic? If you want to make it as simple and fuss-free as possible, pack a basket with your favorite cheese, meats, and charcuterie and take it to the nearest park, lake or beach to savor.

But dining al fresco doesn’t mean that you can’t have luxury and sophisticated flavor, oh no indeed! There’s nothing like a rustic setting to really showcase elevated foods like caviar and foie gras, so don’t be afraid to take them on the road (with proper refrigeration of course). They’re elegant but easy to eat – caviar over blini, a chunk of pate over a baguette, paired with a fresh beverage under a leafy tree is one of life’s simplest but most rewarding treats.

However, if you’re not afraid of a little more prep and a little cooking, we’ve got some great picnic recipe ideas for you! These easy picnic food recipes will inspire you to get outside, where you can safely interact with family and friends, and your children romp about soaking up the fresh sunshine and air. Most of the recipes we selected are suitable for all ages, although the most elaborate – like ceviche and caviar might appeal more to the adult’s palate. Our rule at picnics is to make foods that are fresh and bright (nothing heavy), hearty but light, like our Mozzarella Cherry Tomatoes and Strawberry Salad, or our Quinoa Salad filled with veggies. Pair them with our buttery Zucchini Cheddar Biscuits for a filling meal!

If you want to minimize silverware and plates, packing up a few Citrus Chicken Waldorf Salad Croissants might just be the solution. Same goes for these flavorful Shrimp and Smoked Salmon Fish Sandwich , a stellar choice for a beachside soiree! Our Smoked Salmon Mini Quiches can be eaten with one hand as well – just pack them tightly in a sealed container. Or go full finger-food with Cucumber Smoked Salmon Canapes (some assembly required for these).

For dessert, keep it simple (and transportable) with a big batch of our scrumptious Truffle Heart Chocolate Chip Cookies. If you do want to make something a little more elaborate (and you have a good cooler) you can prep these Apple Crumble Shots in advance. They might take a little bit more prep but they’re definitely worth it!

Holidays And Seasonal: Spring and Summer

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