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A Dad-Worthy Father's Day Menu!

by Albertina Roca   |   June 4, 2019   |  

Celebrate Dad with our collection of Father’s Day recipes that are designed to indulge, impress and delight. From breakfast to dinner, we picked hearty-yet-sophisticated dishes for a Father’s Day menu. Here’s what we’re cooking for our lucky Dads this Father’s Day!


A classic Spanish recipe, tortilla is typically served in bars as a tapas dish - a small, appetizer-like dish. The beauty of a tortilla lies in its simplicity: it’s basically a potato caserrolle, but it’s the perfect seasoning with smoked paprika (for real authenticity, use the coveted Pimenton de la Vera), plus the addition of spicy chorizo that gives it that edge. It’s hearty without being heavy, and just as great warm as it is cold, served with a fresh salad or a side of piquillo peppers.

Spanish Chorizo and Manchego Cheese Tortilla Recipe


This simple but elegant appetizer combines two of our favorite things: sweet and juicy jumbo lump crab meat, and perfectly-meltable Gruyere cheese. A crostini-style appetizer - also commonly called bruschetta as well - is super simple to make. Toast bread, top with ingredients, and a final turn in the oven to melt the cheese, and you're done. Perfect to keep Dad's appetite at bay while you make the main dish!

Crab and Gruyere Beltways Recipe


The skirt is an oft-overlooked cut that's filled with flavor and cooks lighting-fast. This recipe has more ingredients than in our typical dish, but the result is oh-so-worth it. Mole is a classic Mexican dish, revered and carefully prepared – the ingredients list is lengthy, yes, and it requires some day-before prep-work, but since it’s Father’s Day, we’re ready for the challenge! Anything for Dad! Use Grass Fed Beef Skirt Steak for more flavor, Wagyu Beef Skirt Steak for extra succulence.

Skirt Steak Fajitas with Mole Poblano Recipe >


Ok, so maybe you’re not ready or don’t have time to make a lengthy recipe like Mole. Worry not, we are here to give you options that are just as flavorful. Instead of buying a standard barbecue sauce at the supermarket, make it yourself! It’s easier than you think, and not only does it go great with our Berkshire pork ribs – which only take about 30 minutes on the grill and done – but you can make extra to package in a pretty bottle or jar and give to Dad as a gift. Homemade bbq sauce for a Father’s Day gift more than makes up for all those macaroni ties!

Pork Ribs with Homemade BBQ Sauce Recipe


Jon, founder and owner of our store, swears by the mouthwatering Venezuelan cake. It’s a version of a no-bake, cookie-based freezer cake, loaded with sweetened condensed milk and finished with our finest baking chocolate by Callebaut. This requires freezer time, so make it the day before.

Marquesa Cake Chocolate Cookie Freezer Cake Recipe

Holidays And Seasonal: Father's Day

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